It’s not perfect, but it’s love.

081Today is my parents 38th wedding anniversary. It’s easy for me to remember how many years because they married in March of 1977 and we were married 30 years later in March of 2007. It’s difficult for me to imagine being married for almost 40 years. The world we live in certainly doesn’t make it easy, and although things have never been perfect, I’m so very proud of them for sticking it out, still being friends, and being the most amazing parents a girl could ask for.

It’s hard to believe it was 23 years ago today, on their 15th anniversary, that we were running around the house following my mom as she uncovered 15 gifts, one for each year, hidden around the house. Dad was always so creative like that. The 15th gift was a heart necklace that had 15 tiny diamonds all the way around. That year we had a Mexican fiesta for dinner with decorations and virgin margaritas for us kids. Every year we got presents too, and dad would wrap them days ahead of time and put them in the living room to taunt us! My favorite gifts were my PJ Sparkles doll, she was amazing and upon looking her up for reference I just discovered she’s almost $400 on amazon…face palm on not saving that toy!…and my little electronic puppy on a leash (which mom wouldn’t let me walk outside because it was white and I would get it dirty…hello its a dog!) It seems like yesterday that 13 years ago we celebrated their 25th with all their friends and family, surprising them with a party where we even had their wedding cake recreated. And, of course, eight years ago weeks away from their 30th when I myself was married and they gave me away to a man they now lovingly refer to as, their son. 20020317 04

They both, in their own way, broke a cycle as parents. Neither of them had an ideal childhood, certainly not one they wished to see repeated. My mother actually was fearful of having children at all, afraid she wouldn’t be able to be a good mother since she was never shown how. My dad was given a little more love growing up, but with an absent Naval officer for a father, who was stern and distant when he was home, he was lacking. Of course he loved his parents, but he knew he was going to do things differently, they both did.

When mom found out she was pregnant with my sister, she called my dad in a panic asking “What are we going to do?!” He simply replied, “We’re going to have a baby.” They did, and 34 years later they have two grown daughters who grew up in a house filled with reading, adventure, laughter, spirituality, and love. The older I get and the more I learn about the world and other people’s stories, the more I am grateful. Grateful for the “bubble” that I lived in. Money was tight but I never knew it, I was clothed, fed, went on vacations, and pretty much got whatever I wanted (within reason). There was never any family drama or fights that I was privy to, nobody ever cursed or smoked in my presence, and we were only surrounded by people who loved us, and most importantly, loved God. We sat around the dinner table every night to a home cooked meal prepared by my mother who had worked a full day and before bed we were read a story by my father who had worked all day and must have been so exhausted.

As a kid in Jacksonville Florida my dad watched on the news as they opened Walt Disney World just a few short hours away. Despite begging their father to take them, he never did and so my father, promised himself that he would take his kids one day. He saved for years and years with a special Disney savings account and meticulously planned the perfect jam-packed Disney experience. A few months before we were supposed to leave, the opportunity came up for them to purchase their first home, but they didn’t have enough money to cover a down payment and closing costs. They could have easily dipped into the Disney fund, but they didn’t. Instead, they scrimped and saved, selling everything they could think of, including most of my mother’s precious antiques. Then off we went to Disney World, clueless that any of this had gone on (at least I was, I’m sure my sister is reading this rolling her eyes as she often incredulously disagrees with my recollection of history). It didn’t hit me till many years later how difficult that must have been and what a sacrifice it was. But they always put us first. And they still do.

They are an amazing support system, always there when I need them. I unfortunately inherited my father’s depression and my mother’s ability to put a smile on your face even when you’re hurting on the inside. Those two combined don’t always make us the best communicators as a family, but they still care in their own way. My last miscarriage, they just hugged me as long as I needed and then, as if I were a little girl with a scraped knee, took me for ice cream. It was exactly what I needed. After your third one there are no words, no sentiments that haven’t already been given, there is just love.

My father and the butcher love being together, they drink bourbon, laugh, and work together on projects, my dad imparting his years of knowledge and experience to my husband. And my mom is my favorite shopping partner, always there to listen and give advice. It’s usually a bit “momma bear” and biased, but hey, sometimes you just need somebody on your side!

Last week we took my mom to see the traveling Broadway show, Motown. (It was fantastic and she loved it.) When we picked her up, my dad walked her out to the car and kissed her goodbye. Thirty-eight years of marriage and still kissing each other goodbye, it’s not perfect, but its love.IMG_8642

eight years ago today…

Ok well not technically today, it was actually yesterday but let’s not split hairs. I wonder where that expression came from…I bet my dad would know. Anyway, yesterday was our 8th anniversary. I really can’t believe how quickly the years have passed. We spent the day (and by “we” I mean my father, father in law, and the butcher, while I stayed inside randomly supervising, bringing them cold drinks and sandwiches…) doing yard work. So romantic. I suppose it’s a sign of old age and the joys of home ownership? Honestly, the butcher works so much and we have so much company coming these next couple of months that I’d rather get my patio finished than go to the beach for the day. (Well not rather but you know what I mean. Plus he says he has a surprise planned for me in May so I don’t mind waiting. Well I mind but I can do it!) Throughout the day I kept saying, “Honey, this time eight years ago you were putting your tux on”…or “eight years ago today we were probably cutting our cake”, etc. So I decided to do a little blog post featuring the highlights from that very special day and bring you along for the ride. 

Every bride needs a custom made t-shirt…

2007 (213) 

Didn’t I have the best bridesmaids? We all wore our shirts for rehearsal the night before. Boy was Jackie mad that we forgot to tell her to wear jeans!2007 (208) 

Rehearsal dinner was a luau at the in-laws…coconut bras were a must!2007 (222) 

Always been a daddy’s girl…this was an emotional walk. Also I would like to say that even though I loved our wedding I hated my hair and makeup (or lack thereof, and would change everything about the way I looked if I could, even my dress) 2007 (77) Eight pretty maids, all in a row…2007 (108) 

As Abba would say, “I doooooooo, I do, I do, I do I do…..”2007 (125) 

The new Mr. & Mrs! IMG_1589b The fam…2007 (154)Time for a limo ride! Joey & Lori's Wedding 031007 657 limo couple 

I loved my bridesmaid dresses. They were ridiculously expensive and I truly regret making them pay so much for them but I was young, dumb, and they were pretty!Joey & Lori's Wedding 031007 617b 

This is one of my favorite wedding photos ever. 2007 (205) 

Jumping for joy and testing out the veil the Butcher’s grandmother made.Joey & Lori's Wedding 031007 322b 

We took some family photos…2007 (182)b 

Then some group shots….Joey & Lori's Wedding 031007 332 

Then we walked through the Villages town square and got cheered on by hundreds of senior citizens!Joey & Lori's Wedding 031007 339 Before dinner we watched the obligatory embarrassing photo slideshow…Joey & Lori's Wedding 031007 313

Then we danced…Joey & Lori's Wedding 031007 438 

Played Cinderella…Joey & Lori's Wedding 031007 446 

Did the chicken dance….Joey & Lori's Wedding 031007 294b 

And the tarantella, a traditional Neapolitan folk dance that is mandatory at Italian weddings…Joey & Lori's Wedding 031007 280b Joey & Lori's Wedding 031007 276 

And no reception (in my opinion) is complete without a little Frank…”start spreading the news….”Joey & Lori's Wedding 031007 430 

Then we cut the cake(s) mmmmm cannoli filling…IMG_1702 

Took some family photos…IMG_1651_edited-1Joey & Lori's Wedding 031007 346 

Danced a little more…Joey & Lori's Wedding 031007 398 

And then passed out from exhaustion! Boy am I glad I wore flats! Joey & Lori's Wedding 031007 447

If I had to do it all over again…I’d do everything different (not what you thought I was going to say huh?) I mean we didn’t even have PINTEREST then! But it was our wedding day and I loved it all the same. The one thing I wouldn’t change? The man I married. 

Kissing Sailor

One of my favorite spots in Sarasota is the giant “kissing statue” by the bay. We posed for this picture on a trip there with friends for our 3rd anniversary. Today marks the 69th anniversary of that photograph, taken on August 14, 1945 by Alfred Eisenstaedt, so I decided to do a little research to get the real story behind this famous kiss. But, as LeVar Burton {or as I know and love him, Geordi La Forge} would say, you don’t have to take my word for it. Check out this New York Post article to read the true, and quite amusing, story surrounding this iconic snapshot.

Top it off…

Julia Child said it best, “A party without cake is just a meeting.”

Cake makes everything better. So for my in-law’s 32nd anniversary I ordered a delicious chocolate ganache cake from our local Publix. Normally I’d make the cake but my MIL had been eyeing this one for a while so I knew she’d love it. I wanted to dress the cake up a little and make it extra special with some kind of cake topper. Other than cake, what makes everything better? GLITTER! So I pulled out my trusty glue gun and picked a lovely gold glitter from my abundant collection. Here’s what I did…

On a piece of parchment paper I wrote in glue a 3, a 2, and a heart. But obviously you could do whatever you want, even a word or phrase. Immediately after {hurry you don’t want it to dry!} insert a wooden skewer onto the bottom of the glue. Sprinkle generously with glitter. {You could also use paper confetti, or even rainbow sprinkles!} Let it dry and turn over, trace with glue, and sprinkle again. Once completely dry, trim skewers to the length of your cake and there you have it, some super easy, basically free, bling bling for your cake!



Want some cheese with that whine?

Hopefully you “got” my title as opposed to just thinking I can’t spell. Being the baby of the family and somewhat Jewish, I’m inherently a whiner, so I’ve heard every whining pun in the book. (A certain dear friend of mine even used to say, uh oh, here comes the wambulance…) I’m proud to say that the butcher has pretty much broken me of the habit, mainly because I’ve learned that I can get what I want without, as the dictionary puts it, “making a long high pitched complaining sound”. ANYWAY, back to the point of today’s post, we are attending a wine and cheese party at a friend’s this weekend (can I just say how nice it is, even though I love to host, to be invited to be a guest in someone else’s home and let them do all the work?! Can you tell I’m looking forward to it?) and it made me think of the one we had a while back. I thought I’d share some of the pictures with you as well as some helpful tips.

Here’s all the glasses, plates, and napkins ready to go so people could help themselves. This particular party was celebrating an anniversary so my crafty BFF hand stamped napkins with the couple’s initials for a personal touch. Make sure you have appropriate glasses for each beverage, red & white wine glasses, champagne flutes, small shot type glasses (for tasting before they commit to a whole pour) and cups for water (these pretzels are makin’ me thirsty!)

As functional party favors I enlisted another craft lover in my life, dear old dad, to make these adorable wine charms using alphabet beads with the initials of each party guest. (This only works for a small intimate gathering, but for larger groups you could do a standard saying, word, or guest of honor’s initials)

I put out a wide array of cheeses, dried fruits, honey, crackers, olives, prosciutto wrapped melon, bread, nuts, etc to choose from. It’s suggested to put out a representative of each cheese type; a creamy, stinky, sharp, smoked, blue, etc. So I did that and then made labels for each cheese along with pairing suggestions for both food and wine. That part was a little frustrating because from what I observed nobody really followed my instructions (can you tell I like people to do what I tell them?! haha) so it felt like a waste of time but I think with a different "foodier"crowd, my efforts would be more appreciated.




And finally, the pies de resistance, the wine! Again I tried to have a wide variety of red, white, sparkling, sweet, dry, etc. making sure they were kept at the (somewhat) right temperature. I also put a description and pairing suggestions with each bottle.

My favorite part of the whole party though? These vintage wine barrels I rented from a local party supply warehouse that doubled as a bar and light source, it really added to the ambiance and fit the theme perfectly!

And there you have it! I hope this helps inspire you to throw one of your own!

“X” is for…wait for it…(dad will be proud)…XENIAL!

Of course you know what that word means so I shouldn’t have to explain…right? Ha, it’s ok I didn’t either, but I have to say I was pretty excited that when looking for words starting with “x”, I found one that suits me pretty well.
Xenial adj. (ZEE-nee-uhl) : hospitable, especially to visitors.
There are definitely many things I wish I was more (or less) of. But I really do pride myself in being hospitable, or, xenial. So today’s example of my “xeniality” (yup that’s a word too!) is a small anniversary dinner we had for our best friends. I don’t believe that you have to wait for a “landmark” anniversary year like 10 or 15 to have a little party, any and every year that someone stays married (especially in this day and age) is something to celebrate! So our dear friends Stuart and Angela were celebrating their 12th anniversary and I decided to help them! I love a good dinner party and seriously have so much fun setting the table, decorating, making invitations, and planning the menu.
My first step was the invitations. Obviously I have an inside track to a good greeting card and invitation source (wink wink shameless plug to my etsy site but I decided to mix it up and try this cool new app I got called “Makr” where you create a lovely invitation (along with coordinating place cards, menus, etc. if you’re interested) and can order a hard copy or for a super low price, buy the PDF and print it yourself. Here was my result…

Nice huh? Since yellow and grey is one of Angela’s favorite color combos I decided to make that the color scheme for the party. As far as dishes and table linens, I already had everything I needed from my growing dish collection. A few folding tables, candles, a cake from my favorite local cake lady, a delicious Italian meal (with much assistance from the butcher), and 10 of their favorite people, voila, we had a party! Check it out!


yummy caprese skewers with balsamic glaze for an appetizer



the curtains doubled as a backdrop for my little dessert table complete with white chocolate truffle pops, chocolate covered oreos, assorted candies in yellow and silver, lemon meringue cookies, mini panna cottas, and of course their delicious cannoli filled cake!



The lovely couple posing before they cut their cake.They don’t look old enough to be celebrating their 12th anniversary right?!



This was a little bit of last minute decorating to fill the empty table space, a cardboard letter covered in silver scrapbook paper, a small vase of fresh flowers, and a matching frame with some cute pictures of the couple all on top of a yellow chevron scrap of fabric I had that worked as a makeshift table runner.



I set the table with my vintage yellow tablecloth and contrasted it with a velour metallic runner from tj maxx. Little mercury glass votive holders scattered around the table added to the ambiance and each table setting had a silver charger, white plate, napkin “bow”, personalized candy favor, and a striped straw/placecard.



I found a cake I liked on pinterest, gave the picture to my local cake lady and she created this, so much easier than making my own, even though I could, but with everything else going on it was a big help.



the table!



Each guest received a little favor of either lemonheads or Hershey’s kisses with a little photo sticker of Stu and Ang.

Stay tuned for my next act of xeniality coming in May!